About EDIC

The Economic Development & Industrial Corporation of Lynn (EDIC/Lynn) is a non-profit corporation established under a state mandate in 1977 that functions as the City of Lynn’s development bank.

EDIC/Lynn has a rich history of more than 30 years of providing financing to the businesses within the City of Lynn. Through innovative programs, EDIC/Lynn is able to put financing tools into the marketplace that allows for capital to become available at very attractive rates.

Since 1977, EDIC/Lynn has strengthened Lynn’s economy by encouraging existing companies to expand or new companies to relocate into the City. Simply stated, EDIC/Lynn has all the financial tools and capabilities from the public sector’s vantage point that private developers need at their disposal.

The Economic Development and Industrial Corporation has taken the first step to property tax relief with Tax Incremental Financing (TIF’s). In conjunction with the Massachusetts Office of Business Development, and the Lynn Office of Economic and Community Development (Lynn OECD) we have launched a series of aggressive initiatives geared at job creation, attracting new businesses and helping firms expand.

One such initiative is Tax Incremental Financing – knows as a TIF Plan – in which the City of Lynn and a prospective developer agree to a property tax exemption based on the value added through construction, rehabilitation, and renovation over as many as 20 years.


Charles J. Gaeta|
Chairman Executive Director
of Lynn Housing Authority

10 Church Street
Lynn, MA 01905

Tyrone Brown
590 Boston Street
Unit 203
Lynn, MA 01905

Magnolia Contreras
20 Shepard Street
Lynn, MA 01902

Paula Mackin
57 Woodlawn Street
Lynn, MA 01904

Kirirath “AJ” Saing
44 Verdmont Street
Lynn, MA 01904

Ted Smith
32 Scranton Way
Lynn, MA 01904

Richard Starbard
221 Verona Street
Lynn, MA 01904

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