Shop in Downtown Lynn? Just do it. |
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Inevitably a few items in my layaway haul each year had to be sent back to the racks because my taste exceeded Grammy’s limited budget. But she always made sure that I had enough to get by, and also tucked away enough cash in her big black vinyl purse so we could lunch at Klemm’s Restaurant. And of course, our day would end sweetly with a piece of Connelly’s fudge. So here it is, mid-August, but about 25 years later. Sadly Grammy Anne and I do not have a date in the coming weeks that is circled on the calendar. All of our favorite haunts have either closed or moved out of the downtown, and she is living in a nursing home a few miles away. I’m also now 40 years old, have grown to love designer dresses and heels, and would be ashamed to disclose to Grammy what I paid for them, let alone have the gall to ask her to foot the bill. I’m guessing that if my grandmother went window shopping on Munroe Street today, she wouldn’t recognize much of anything she saw — well, except for me. I’m writing this while sitting in my office at The Item, which ironically is now located in the exact spot where Pennyworth’s was. While I’ve since grown up, not much else about me has changed dramatically since our last shopping date. I take that back; my taste in clothing has. But, really, it has just evolved over time. The same could be said for Downtown Lynn. The stores and restaurants that Grammy Anne and I frequented may be gone, but a whole new crop of small downtown businesses have opened in recent years. Most are not marquee names or the usual chains found at the malls, but I encourage you to give them a try. You may find yourself more than pleasantly surprised. I was when I took a walk last Friday, venturing into several places I’d never realized were here. I didn’t expect to find so many unique clothing boutiques, discount stores, beauty salons and barber shops, tattoo parlors, bodegas, and a variety of amazing dining options. I also didn’t expect to find a pair of my classic Nike Cortez — bright white leather with a black swoosh — but I did at EbLens on the corner of State and Market. There will be no heading back to school for me in a few weeks, but I can’t wait to show the new sneakers off to Grammy Anne. I guess there are some things that just never change. |
Beth Bresnahan is the CEO of The Item. She can be reached at
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