Lynn firm offers eco-friendly ride

July 17, 2012
By The Daily Item

During the hot summer months, gas prices are never far from the minds of commuters, whether their destination is the office or the beach. In this economy, all travelers are mindful of the impact of fuel consumption on their wallets — but a growing number are increasingly concerned with its impact on their carbon footprint as well.

An eco-friendly group of local commuters has found a solution to their transportation needs: Green Passage Transportation, a local “green” luxury transportation company.

“There is growing demand every year as people become more aware of the environment,” said Green Passage co-founder Anthony Santiago.

The company utilizes the latest in green technology, offering vehicles which run on biofuels- — or renewable, clean-burning fuels created from plant- and animal-based materials.

Green Passage offers 14-passenger, mini coach-bus style vehicles fueled by biofuel, as well as sedans and coach buses. The 14-passenger mini coaches come equipped with high-backed leather chairs and a 22-inch satellite television, and they produce 60 percent fewer carbon emissions than a regular vehicle.

Green Passage, in business since 2010, was founded by brothers Anthony and Luis Santiago. Prior to the company’s opening, Anthony, a Lynn resident, and Luis, of Winthrop, worked in construction. When the economy slowed down, the brothers brainstormed with other members of their family to come up with a different business. Their brother Ken, who works in transportation for MIT, and father, Luis, with 30 years of experience as a mechanic for the MBTA, were invaluable assets in this developmental phase. Ultimately seeing a void in the green transit market, the Santiagos put their plans into motion and Green Passage Transportation was born.

The Santiago brothers credit the Lynn Economic Development Industrial Corp. (EDIC/Lynn) for the successful launch of their company.

“If not for EDIC we wouldn’t have been able to start our business; they were instrumental in helping us get started. In 2009, we went to several banks and weren’t able to get anywhere; EDIC came through for us,” Anthony Santiago said.

Executive Director James Cowdell said Green Passage is the type of company EDIC wants to see in Lynn.

“The Santiagos are providing an important service in an environmentally friendly way,” he said. “We were pleased to help them get their business off the ground.”

Since its launch, Green Passage has offered transportation services to a growing list of clients, including biotech companies, colleges, 3M and Google. The brothers estimate that 25 percent of their clientele use Green Passage primarily because of its eco-friendly nature, while the remaining 75 percent are simply looking for quality transportation at a reasonable cost.

Biofuel vehicles get more miles to gallon than normal vehicles, especially during the summer months, and burn significantly less gasoline. Biofuel also costs 30-60 cents less per gallon than regular petroleum. Companies such as Green Passage fill up at Burke Oil in Chelsea, the only biofuel distributor on the North Shore. Through government subsidies for biofuel and ethanol, environmentally conscious companies can get lower prices for fuel and thus charge their clients competitive rates, with no fuel surcharges. I

For more information about Green Passage Transportation, located at 33 Harwood St., Suite 3, Lynn, call 617-209-2254 or visit the company’s web site at



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