Despite Baker Veto, Lynn In Line For $900,000 In Economic Development


January 21, 2018
By Staff/The Daily Item

Lynn stands to receive nearly $900,000 in economic development help from Beacon Hill.

The items, initially vetoed by Gov. Charlie Baker, but overridden by the Legislature, had been held up while the Executive branch reviewed last year’s tax revenues, according to the North Shore delegation.

The funding includes $40,000 for carcinogen sanitizing machines for the Fire Department; $50,000 for the removal of algae; $55,000 for Red Rock Park, $20,000 for free community programming and $150,000 for the Behavioral Health Unit at the Police Department.

In addition, $300,000 will be allocated to the Forsyth Institute’s Center for Oral Health; $75,000 for a program to protect nonprofits from violence, and $150,000 for Self-Esteem Boston.

State Reps. Brendan Crighton (D-Lynn), Daniel Cahill (D-Lynn), Lori Ehrlich (D-Marblehead) and Donald Wong (R-Saugus) said the money was released by Baker. Tax collections in December exceeded expected revenue by $527 million, and left the state $728 million above expectations.

“Even during difficult budget years, we must do all we can to preserve these services that improve public safety, public health, the environment, job creation, and help to fight the opioid epidemic,” said Crighton in a statement.

Cahill said supporting arts programs and the treatment of Floating Bridge Pond will have immediate positive impacts on the community.

“Most importantly, we secured funding to purchase anti-carcinogens sanitizing equipment for the Lynn Fire Department, which could not have come at a better time given the number of recent serious fires in Lynn and surrounding communities,” Cahill said in a statement.

Ehrlich said these funds will go a long way toward improving quality of life.

“Moving Lynn forward is our shared goal as a delegation, and I hope that these amendments serve as a springboard for even bigger strides in the years to come,” she said in a statement.

Wong said the delegation recognizes the critical services these funds provide.


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